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    1.    These websites are for informational purposes only. They do not constitute a public offer of investment securities or other investment products. The information provided here should not be considered as an offer or invitation to purchase, sell, or otherwise deal with investment instruments. The published information is provided solely for informational purposes as a supplementary source to personally conveyed information and cannot be considered a form of distribution, advertising, offer, or recommendation to buy or sell securities, nor as any type of advice regarding financial, investment, legal, tax, or other services.

    2.    The manager of the alternative fund is Secure gate s.r.o., which is not subject to supervision by the Czech National Bank (“ČNB”). The company is registered with the Czech National Bank in the list of entities managing assets comparable to management under Section 15 of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds (“ZISIF”). The company’s services are intended for retail and qualified investors and are not intended for the public.

    3.    Investing involves risks. The value of investments may rise as well as fall. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns, and the return of the originally invested amount is not guaranteed. Investments in various types of securities may be subject to restrictions and legal regulations in individual jurisdictions. Any person investing in securities is required to comply with the legal requirements directly related to the investor and these securities.

    4.    The information provided on these websites does not take into account the situation, property, or other circumstances, investment strategy, or restrictions related to specific individuals.

    5.    The company, its founders, board members, directors, or employees do not assume responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use of any information contained on these websites.

    6.    The content of these websites may be changed without prior notice. Any further distribution or other unauthorized handling of the information provided here is prohibited.

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