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Securegate I

Overall performance: 51,8%
from: 06/2022
to: 08/2024

3 Months: 6,37%
6 Months: 14,12%

12 Months: 45,42%

Our strategy

Almost 80% of all options held to expiration expire worthless. The option writer or seller profits from worthless options.

At Securegate I fund, we primarily sell options, with a success rate
of around 84%.

Blog articles

Cumulative Profit / Loss vs Date

The cumulative P&L chart in USD shows the cumulative value of all executed trades in the fund over time.

Cumulative PnL vs Date_edited.jpg to enlarge

Average Win / Loss % vs Date

The chart shows the average value of the profit-to-loss ratio of transactions. We consistently achieve a value above 80% over the long term.

Win_Loss % vs Date.png to enlarge

Total Win / Loss Score vs Date

The chart shows the cumulative absolute value of profitable trades. The chart illustrates that the strategy used does not exhibit any prolonged series of losing trades but rather a consistent ratio of profitable transactions over time.

Score vs Date.png to enlarge

Aggregate PnL vs Date

Displaying the aggregated value of profits and losses over time

Aggregate PnL vs Date.png to enlarge

Aggregate Winning / Losing Trades vs Date

The chart shows the number of profitable/loss-making trades over time.

Win Rate vs Date.png to enlarge

Aggregate Volume vs Date

The chart shows the trading volumes of options contracts and stocks.

Aggregate Volume vs Date.png to enlarge

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