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Privacy Policy


At Secure gate s.r.o., Company ID 08002916 (hereinafter referred to as “we”), we take the protection of personal data very seriously. This document provides information on the personal data we process, particularly about our customers and users of our website, whether we process the data based on consent or another legal basis, for what purposes we use the data, to whom we may disclose it, and what rights you have concerning the processing of your personal data.


A. What personal data do we process?


When you use our services, whether as visitors or registered users, we collect various types of data, such as your username and password, your contact details, and other settings. We monitor which content you view on our website and from which device, as well as which of our email offers interest you, so that we can continue to improve our website in the future. If you order a service from us or create an account, we also work with your first and last name, your orders, and the data you set up in your account.


We process the following personal data:


a) Identification data, which mainly includes your first and last name, username, and password;

b) Contact data, which includes personal information that allows us to contact you, such as your email address, phone number, business address, and your contact information on social media;

c) Your settings, which include the data and preferences in your account;

d) Order data, which includes information about the services you have ordered, the type of service selected, the payment method, and complaint details;

e) Data about your behavior on the website, including instances when you view it through a mobile app, particularly which content you view, the links you click on, how you navigate our website and scroll, as well as data about the device you use to view our website, such as IP address and derived location, device identification, its technical parameters such as operating system, its version, screen resolution, the browser used and its version, and also data obtained from cookies and similar technologies for identifying the device;

f) Data about your behavior when reading emails that we send you, especially the times when messages are opened and also data about the device on which you read the messages, such as IP address and derived location, device identification, its technical parameters such as operating system and its version, screen resolution, the browser used and its version.

B. Why do we process personal data, and what authorizes us to do so?


We process your personal data in various situations for different purposes. If you use our website, where we also use cookies, we mainly use your data to monitor traffic and improve our services. If you register with us, we use your data to manage your account and provide related features. If you order a service through us, we use your data to process your order, protect our legal rights, and fulfill our legal obligations. We also use your contact information to send you our offers. The processing of personal data is authorized by either the preparation or performance of a contract with you, compliance with legal obligations, our legitimate interests, or your consent.


As part of our activities, we process personal data for various purposes and to varying extents either:


a) without your consent based on the fulfillment of a contract, our legitimate interest, or due to the fulfillment of a legal obligation, or

b) based on your consent.


Which processing we can perform without your consent depends on the purpose of the processing and your relationship with us—whether you are merely a visitor to our website, whether you register with us, or whether you have a contract with us. We may also process your data if you communicate with us, fill out questionnaires, or participate in contests.

B.1 If you visit our website or use the mobile app

B.1.1 Use of cookies and other technologies, transfer of data to advertising and social networks

When you visit our website, we store and subsequently read small files like cookies on your device. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store in your web browser or on your computer’s hard drive. Some cookies allow us to link your activities during browsing from the moment you open your web browser window to the moment you close it. These cookies are deleted when you close your web browser window. Others remain on your device for a set period and are activated each time you visit the website that created the specific cookie. We also use pixel tags (also known as web beacons), which are small images with a function similar to cookies. Unlike cookies, which are stored on your computer’s hard drive, pixel tags are an integral part of web pages. For simplicity, we will refer to all these technologies as cookies in this document. We not only store cookies on your device, but we also read those cookies that were stored on your device by our website. For simplicity, we will refer only to storage in the rest of this document.


Some cookies are stored on your device directly by our website. These cookies help us:

  • Identify you as you navigate between different pages of our website and during subsequent visits, so we can remember your login from a specific device and not ask you repeatedly for your email and password, or to remember which version of our website to display if multiple versions are available at that time;

  • Record that you have given us consent according to this document, or whether, for example, you have agreed to participate in a particular survey;

  • Ensure security, for example, by checking whether someone is abusing your connection to our website and acting on your behalf;

  • Track, investigate, and fix any issues or non-functioning parts of our website.

Such cookies and other files are essential for the functioning of our website. If you block these cookies in your browser, our website may not function properly, and we may not be able to provide you with our products and services.

We also store cookies from our website on your device that allow us:

  • to track the traffic to our website and its individual pages, create statistics and reports, and measure the effectiveness of advertising

  • show you different versions of our website when we are testing new features.

For the purpose of displaying personalized offers and targeted advertising within advertising and social networks on websites other than our own, we also share data about your behavior on our website with advertising and social networks. However, we do not share your identification data with such partners.

If you do not disable the use of third-party cookies and the transfer of your data to advertising and social networks in the Privacy Settings section, and after our notice, you click on any link on our website (outside the notice panel) or click the “I Understand” button, which is part of the notice, we will assume that you consent to the use of these cookies and the transfer of your data to advertising and social networks. You can withdraw your consent at any time by disabling this feature in the Privacy Settings section.

B.1.2 Use of Personal Data of Website Visitors

If you visit the website or use the mobile app, we process data about your behavior on the website based on our legitimate interest (i.e., without your consent) for the purpose of:

  • Obtaining information that will allow us to improve the website or app for you in the future; our legitimate interest here is improving our services for you;

  • Creating statistics and reports, especially tracking the traffic on our website, its individual pages, the usage of the mobile app, and measuring the effectiveness of advertising; our legitimate interest here is measuring the effectiveness of our website and advertising expenditures;

  • Testing new features and applications before deployment, particularly to avoid issues with the functionality of these updates in real-world use that could negatively impact your experience with our services; our legitimate interest here is the seamless functionality of our services for you;

  • Preventing attacks on our website and ensuring its functionality and the security of your data; our legitimate interest here is the smooth operation of our services for you and the security of your data.

We do not obtain data about your behavior on the website only from cookies. We also supplement it with data:

  • The IP address of your device (the address of your device used to communicate with other devices on the internet);

  • The operating system of your device, its version, and language settings;

  • The browser you use on your device, its version, and language settings;

  • The web page address (URL) from which you arrived at our website.

For these purposes, we use personal data for a maximum of 50 months, during which time the data is stored only in a pseudonymized form. You have the right to object to this processing.

B.2 If you register with us

To register, you must visit our website or use the mobile app, so the processing described in the section If you visit our website or use the mobile app applies to you. In addition, if you register, we also perform the following processing:

B.2.1 Processing Based on Contract Performance

If you create an account on the website, we process your identification and contact details, your settings, and information about your orders (if you order a service through us) based on the performance of the contract, so that we can manage your user account. The contract on which our processing is based is established by the creation of your account. For this purpose, we use personal data for the duration of your account, which you can delete at any time.

B.2.2 Processing Based on Legitimate Interest

If you create an account on the website, we process your identification and contact details, your settings, information about your orders (if you later order services from us), and data about your behavior when reading emails also based on our legitimate interest (i.e., without your consent), for the purpose of:

  • Obtaining information that will allow us to improve our services for you in the future, making your shopping experience with us even better, particularly by gauging your satisfaction with our services; our legitimate interest here is improving our services for you, and

  • Providing offers that we may send to you via email, text message, social media, over the phone, or through other electronic means; our legitimate interest here is the effective promotion of our products and services.

For these purposes, we use personal data for the duration of your account, which you can delete at any time. You have the right to object to this processing.

B.3 If you subscribe to our newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will process your additional contact details based on your consent for the purpose of sending our newsletter with updates, including offers of our services. We use personal data for this purpose until you withdraw your consent, i.e., until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing that occurred before the withdrawal. 

C. Who processes your personal data, and to whom do we disclose it?​

In most cases, we process your data for our own purposes as the data controller.

We process all of the aforementioned personal data as the controller. This means that we determine the purposes outlined above for which we collect your personal data, decide on the means of processing, and are responsible for its proper execution.

D. From what sources do we obtain personal data?

We mostly obtain personal data directly from you through our website or during communication with you. In most cases, we process the personal data you provide to us when ordering services, creating and using an account, or communicating with us.


If you order a service from us, we may receive additional information about your orders from banks or our partners operating payment systems in connection with the fulfillment of the contract, such as your account number or confirmation of successful payment.

E. What rights do you have regarding the processing of personal data?​

You have a number of rights regarding your personal data. These include the right of access, correction, deletion, restriction of processing, data portability, objection, and the right to file a complaint.


Just as we have our rights and obligations when processing your personal data, you also have certain rights regarding the processing of your personal data. These rights include:

Right of Access


Simply put, you have the right to know what data we process about you, for what purpose, for how long, where we obtain your personal data, to whom we disclose it, who else besides us processes it, and what other rights you have in connection with the processing of your personal data. You can find all of this information in this document. However, if you are unsure which personal data we process about you, you can ask us to confirm whether or not we are processing personal data concerning you, and if so, you have the right to access that personal data. As part of the right of access, you can request a copy of the personal data being processed, with the first copy provided to you free of charge and subsequent copies for a fee.


Right to Rectification


To err is human. If you find that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it corrected or completed without undue delay.


Right to Erasure


In certain cases, you have the right to have your personal data erased. We will erase your personal data without undue delay if any of the following reasons are met:

  • We no longer need your personal data for the purposes for which we processed it;

  • You withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, where such consent is necessary for processing, and we have no other reason to continue processing these data;

  • You exercise your right to object to the processing (see below the section on the Right to Object to Processing) of personal data that we process based on our legitimate interests, and we determine that we no longer have any legitimate interests that justify this processing; or

  • You believe that the processing of personal data we are carrying out is no longer in compliance with applicable regulations.

However, please keep in mind that even if one of these reasons applies, it does not mean that we will immediately delete all of your personal data. This right does not apply if the processing of your personal data is still necessary to fulfill our legal obligations or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of our legal claims (see the section Why do we process personal data, and what authorizes us to do so?).

Right to Restriction of Processing

In some cases, in addition to the right to erasure, you can exercise the right to restrict the processing of personal data. This right allows you, in certain situations, to request that your personal data be marked and not subject to any further processing operations—not permanently (as in the case of the right to erasure) but for a limited period. We must restrict the processing of personal data when:

  • You contest the accuracy of personal data until we agree on what data is correct;

  • We are processing your personal data without sufficient legal basis (e.g., beyond what we are required to process), but you prefer that we restrict the data instead of erasing it (e.g., if you expect to provide such data to us again in the future);

  • We no longer need your personal data for the purposes mentioned above, but you require it to establish, exercise, or defend your legal claims; or

  • You have objected to the processing. The right to object is described in more detail below in the section Right to Object to Processing. During the period in which we are assessing whether your objection is justified, we are obliged to restrict the processing of your personal data.

Right to Data Portability

You have the right to obtain from us all your personal data that you have provided to us and that we process based on your consent (see the section If You Give Us Your Consent) and based on the performance of a contract (see the section Why Do We Process Personal Data, and What Authorizes Us to Do So?). We will provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. To facilitate the transfer of your data upon request, this can only include data that we process automatically in our electronic databases.

Right to Object to Processing

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data that is carried out based on our legitimate interest (see the section Why Do We Process Personal Data, and What Authorizes Us to Do So?). If it concerns marketing activities, we will stop processing your personal data immediately; in other cases, we will do so unless we have compelling legitimate grounds to continue such processing.

Right to File a Complaint

Exercising your rights as described above does not affect your right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority. You may exercise this right particularly if you believe that we are processing your personal data unlawfully or in violation of applicable legal regulations. You can file a complaint regarding our processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection, located at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7.

F. How Can You Exercise Your Rights?

For any questions, complaints, or requests related to the processing of your personal data, please contact us using the form at


For all matters related to the processing of your personal data, whether it’s a question, exercising a right, filing a complaint, or anything else, you can use our contact form at


We will process your request without undue delay, but no later than within one month. In exceptional cases, especially due to the complexity of your request, we are entitled to extend this period by another two months. We will, of course, inform you of any such extension and the reasons for it.

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